Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Fulfillment in Grace


One Wine You

This Inebriation of Grace

Mar 21, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs


Finally, we discover there is only one Love, as there is one Beloved. This Love is the Beloved, this Beloved is this Love. This one Lover is the He, or She, or It by Whom we are and to Whom we belong. And belonging to this Love, we belong to one another, this Love without and outside and among us equally, making us One, in One. Knowing one in this One, we know everyone. For in this Grace is all, even before we awaken to this Truth by the silent illumination of Truth Itself.

When I met You,
I returned to a thousand graves to
offer a rite of gratitude.
For the first time,
I received a sense of
the blessing of all the
unanswered prayers.
Little did I know that
every time my heart was torn,
a veil was being opened
to welcome
True Love.
Now, I know
there is only
one Wine
that could ever satisfy
my heart:

*Oct 14.2004

What I sense the "You" to be has changed since a child. This Journey began with Jesus, and all I most hold dear, though transformed over time, learning, life, and Prayer, is the same overwhelming, unconditional Love that captivated my heart when I said "Yes" to Grace, in Him, at age 9. I loved Him, before I knew Him - that is how it always is. He represents all Good to me, and loving Him has led me beyond Him as I was taught, but not apart from Him. It seems as much as I have loved and served Him, He, too, has loved and served me, but more - again, that is the way it always is. There are mysteries in this Love, this Union, we need not speak of, and cannot. Inebriated on the Wine of the Beloved, eyes are opened that have never been opened, and to see Truth only such graceful intoxication brings. I am not speaking of an intoxication of feelings - the failure of that prepares one for Feeling -, but of a seeing, a knowing, an intimacy. Once having drunk of this Grace, all lesser graces pale in comparison. Once having surrendered into the embrace of the Beloved, no other arms are needed to sate the longing, for one now lives within the light of this most kind and gentle Presence.

Leaving a Light

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Fulfillment in Grace

©Brian Wilcox 2024